How An Escape Room Can Promote Team Bonding

Team bonding is incredibly important for any business, and an escape room in Pigeon Forge is a great option for that. Learn more here.

In the United States, studies show that disengaged employees can cost companies anywhere from $438 billion to $605 billion each year.


Employees that are engaged have better team performance, increased productivity, lower turnover, and less workplace stress.

However, it can be difficult to find ways to keep your employees engaged. Something that companies can do to improve this engagement is to find ways to promote team bonding. Doing activities as a team and working toward common goals can help you create a more cohesive workplace.

Do you want to learn how an escape room in Pigeon Forge can help you promote team bonding? Keep reading this article to learn about the top benefits of using an escape room for team building.


Provides a Common Goal

One of the primary reasons that escape rooms are perfect for team bonding events is that they provide your employees with a common goal! It allows them to work towards something together.

When you are in an escape room, your entire group has to work together to get out of the room. If you fail to do this, then you cannot beat the escape room.

While it can be difficult for a group of people with differing opinions to work together, working towards a common goal will allow them to set aside their differences and focus their efforts together!

Plus, goals help your employees stay focused and measure their success. When they reach these goals, it can encourage them to work hard for other goals in the future.


Unique and Interactive Activity

Escape rooms are also perfect for corporate events because they are a unique and interactive activity.

Typical corporate events that are held in a conference room or are simple presentations can be boring and lead to disengaged employees. However, an escape room provides an exciting, fun activity out of the office!

Because it is different than traditional corporate events, it will encourage your team to boost their participation and will be the highlight of your week!


Exposes Strengths and Weaknesses

Another great benefit of escape rooms for corporate events is that it exposes the strengths and weaknesses of each of your employees.

While it may seem like this would further separate your employees, identifying these strengths and weaknesses makes it easier for your employees to step up and fill in for each other.

It allows them to understand that everyone has a role to play on the team. While one person may be better at solving logical problems, others may be better at finding creative solutions. Identifying each other's strengths and weaknesses allows you and your employees to come together to reach a solution!

It is also easy for you to identify natural leaders on your team. For example, you may not realize how much leadership potential someone has until you see them from a different perspective or interact with them outside of the office.

Learning more about the strengths and weaknesses of your employees can help you find the best opportunities for them to succeed on your team.

Plus, it allows your employees to discover new strengths that they never knew they had! When they are faced with new or unique obstacles, they may find that they have more skills and abilities that would benefit your team.


Requires Communication

Next, escape rooms can help your employees improve their communication skills! This makes it a great team building activity for people that struggle to strategize and share their ideas.

Because escape rooms typically have a time limit, your employees need to come up with as many ideas as quickly as they can. This makes it easy for them to start brainstorming, sharing their thoughts, and coming up with solutions together.

If your team were to try and do the entire escape room on their own, they would simply fail. Instead, escape rooms encourage teams to share their findings and to share the clues that they have found to get them out of the room as quickly as possible.

Plus, escape rooms sometimes have crazy and unexpected solutions! This makes it easier for your employees to feel comfortable sharing their solutions, no matter how unusual their ideas are.

Escape rooms can remove the fear of communicating and can encourage even the quietest members of your team to share their suggestions!


Improves Problem Solving

Because escape rooms require constant communication throughout the entire process, it can also help your team improve their problem-solving skills.

Every escape room is different. No matter what, you will never be able to solve an escape room on your own. You cannot prepare ahead of time or look up the answers!

Instead, you need to figure out how to solve the problem on your own and as a team. This makes it easier for your team to come up with solutions to problems, both in the game and in the office.

When they feel comfortable sharing their solutions on the spot in a silly game, they might be more likely to contribute to problem-solving when they are in the office.


You Can Observe Different Mindsets

Visiting an escape room for a team building event also makes it easier for you to observe the different mindsets of each of your employees. For example, you may have an employee that struggles in the face of adversity and has a fixed mindset. They might have a difficult time in an escape room and allow others to take the lead.

You may also have employees with a growth mindset. When they are faced with a challenging situation, they will be encouraged to push themselves and find a solution!

When you can see the differences between your employees in this way, you may be able to identify the employee that would be a better choice for a future job opening.

Observing the mindsets of your employees can also help you understand how they think. This is essential when it comes to training and change! Learning how your employees think will make it easier for you to find the right ways to teach them and help them grow.


Improves Creative Thinking

Working to solve a puzzle or to escape from an escape room also improves creative thinking! This is because escape rooms require you to think outside of the box.

Creative thinking is a necessary aspect of problem-solving and will help you and your employees come up with solutions both in the office and out of the office.

Even when tasks do not have an easy solution, your employees can use their creative thinking skills to come up with solutions and become more innovative.


Builds Trust

Another great benefit of using an escape room for team bonding is that it builds trust. When you work together in an escape room, you need to know that you can rely on your teammates to pull their weight! Otherwise, you will likely fail to escape in time.

When you know that your teammates are working hard and working towards a common goal, it helps you build trust with them.

#Promotes Inclusion Escape rooms also promote inclusion. As was mentioned before, you simply cannot complete an escape room on your own. Everyone needs to be an active part of the team if you want to escape in time!

Because of this, each member of your team will feel like they are important and are a necessary part of the team.

Even those that are typically quiet in the office or those that may feel left out by other employees will be included in this team bonding event.


Provides Momentum

Finally, booking an escape room for team building can help you provide momentum for your team! Not only does it allow them to work toward a common goal, but it allows them to reach goals together. This is something that can bring people together and boost camaraderie within your office.

Reaching goals together allows your employees to see what they bring to the table. When they see their value as an employee, it will encourage them to work harder in the future as well.


Book an Escape Room in Pigeon Forge Today

Team building plays an essential role in boosting employee productivity. If you are looking for work event ideas, using an escape room can help your employees work toward a common goal, improve their communication, and more.

Do you want to book an escape room in Pigeon Forge? The Great Escape Room can help! We have escape rooms across the country with a variety of themes and can help you find the best option for your team building events.


Contact us to book a team activity at our escape rooms in Pigeon Forge!